Saturday, December 5, 2015

Following Up On Fall

WOW!  It has been a long time since I posted anything!  There has been a lot happening on the farm this fall.

Walls are up and rafters are going to be going on.  The addition is taking shape and I see myself at my desk looking out the window.  :)

To find out more or follow our building progress, click here.

Five little kittens...going to good homes by December 20th!

Our first Thanksgiving Turkey - 24 pounds!

Counting our, warm house, our health, provision for each step of building so far, friends that graciously give time and resources, bills paid, eggs finally coming, hope for tomorrow!

First real snow of the year.. November 30th/December 1st!  I LOVE driving up my driveway.  Grateful every time!

We are really rejoicing in this fantastic weather!  Most of the snow is gone and it should be above freezing all week.  God has been a faithful provider and we bask in His goodness daily!

Walking in faith is a lot of work when not much is in your control.  In the end, we are stronger and enlarge our faith.  Maybe some day it will be as big as a mustard seed! 

If you would like more information on the building progress, or to help sponsor a section or two of roof, please click here.

Remain grateful and keep working your faith muscle!