Thursday, August 4, 2016

It looks like this has become a seasonal blog!  Summer is almost over, although right now at the beginning of August it is quite hot and humid!  The best place for now to follow us is on Facebook.  To follow our building progress, click here.

The house has come a long way since last time I posted and so has the farm.  We have started doing Pony Parties and have visited Quiet Oaks Hospice House and will be visiting Sterling Park Senior Living's Carnival mid-August.  We still have a long way to go, but we are moving in the right direction.

The hens have been laying great all summer and we have been able to bless many with farm fresh eggs!  We also have several turkeys we are grooming for Thanksgiving!

Lord willing this Fall we will have a Family Farm Day event at the farm.  We are hoping to have a 3K obstacle fun run, food and more fun!  Keep checking us out on Facebook for details as they come out!

Have a great rest of your summer and remain grateful!


Saturday, December 5, 2015

Following Up On Fall

WOW!  It has been a long time since I posted anything!  There has been a lot happening on the farm this fall.

Walls are up and rafters are going to be going on.  The addition is taking shape and I see myself at my desk looking out the window.  :)

To find out more or follow our building progress, click here.

Five little kittens...going to good homes by December 20th!

Our first Thanksgiving Turkey - 24 pounds!

Counting our, warm house, our health, provision for each step of building so far, friends that graciously give time and resources, bills paid, eggs finally coming, hope for tomorrow!

First real snow of the year.. November 30th/December 1st!  I LOVE driving up my driveway.  Grateful every time!

We are really rejoicing in this fantastic weather!  Most of the snow is gone and it should be above freezing all week.  God has been a faithful provider and we bask in His goodness daily!

Walking in faith is a lot of work when not much is in your control.  In the end, we are stronger and enlarge our faith.  Maybe some day it will be as big as a mustard seed! 

If you would like more information on the building progress, or to help sponsor a section or two of roof, please click here.

Remain grateful and keep working your faith muscle!

Friday, October 30, 2015

Stage One Building Started!

 We have been blessed to be able to finally begin the building process.  A part of me is sad.  I would like to leave the original home as it was.  Unfortunately five people just don't fit inside very good, nor does the refrigerator - which is now behind the house.

We drilled 22 holes on Thursday for the footings.  Stepan got all but four poured with cement on the bottom, Friday.  Lord willing Saturday He can fill the tubes.  Then we can begin the framing!

Anya was trying a hole on for size, and showed how to get into the house without steps.  My entry was much less graceful!

 God is faithful and we look forward to His provision of funds, weather and needed help.

You can follow our photo journal on our Facebook Page and we would love to hear your comments!

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Ready For Building!

One step at a time.  One thing checked off the checklist!  One day closer.

We were really excited to get the building permit this past week!  Monday we have a Bobcat scheduled so we can get some of the topsoil removed and drill the holes for the footings.  Lord willing the building inspector will be able to come out right away so we can get the cement poured.  Prayers appreciated for the rain, and especially snow, to hold off.

It is a little scary stepping out in faith on this endeavor, but God is much bigger than an addition!

Once we get the footings in and get a few blocks in place, we will be able to start framing.  Framing is always a fun stage.  You get to see your dream start to take shape.  It is easier to imagine flesh on a skeleton, rather than just in your mind.

Speaking of bones...

As a child I always loved discovering things and I loved bones.  What a joy to see Anya excited about such a find.  She has been looking for bones all summer in the big woods.  Little did she know the best find was not too far off.

Most likely they are deer bones.  Now most are loosely labeled and boxed up.  (Bummer we didn't have room for them in the house!) 

I am not sure if Anya's future room will be a zoo or a museum, or maybe both! 

Where did all the adventure go?  Where are children's imaginations?  Where did this spirit of nature go?

I feel I have failed when I have to "kick them out" of the house.  It is so very discouraging when children would rather stay inside.  What is this world coming to?

We miss the bones.  We miss the sunrise and sunset.  And we lose our imagination.  What a sad day that is!

If only they get out and get started, then they can be drawn into nature, and maybe even find some bones!

Even us adults get too busy to just enjoy being outdoors.  I know I am guilty of this.  I just need to plan in a 20 minute walk or sit on a stump for a while and take in all that is around me.  I encourage you to do the same!

If we will make the time for this, we will not only be rejuvenated, but we will have more peace and joy in our lives.

Challenge yourself and try to spend at least 15-20 minutes a day outside just soaking in the nature that is around you, whether it be the sunrise, trees, rain, or the moon and stars...


To find out more or follow our building progress, click here.



Saturday, October 10, 2015

Meet Amigo, Healing Hooves Pony

Amigo is a beautiful tri-colored pinto pony.  He is a five year old gelding and has a fantastic disposition.  He is Anya's horse and will remain on the farm even after she outgrows him so that many other children can have the joy of riding him.

 Amigo goes to birthday parties, social events and helps out at our Horse Camps. He is a good sport and lets children not only ride him, but play dress up with him as well!

If your little cowboy or cowgirl would like to have a unique birthday party, invite Amigo.  He will help make their day very special!

Please check our pages for more information on parties and other services.  Reserve a golden horseshoe for your golden guy or gal!

Saturday, September 26, 2015

House Addition And Barn Raising!

Join in the fun and help raise the roof before the first Minnesota snow!

We are embarking on a new journey and stepping out in faith.

Life has swirled like the churning ocean, and now those raging seas have calmed and our little boat is once again being navigated on the waterways of life.

The plan envisioned is taking on flesh and the next step is to breathe life into it.

Hours and days and years have passed as Healing Hooves Family Farm LLC has been knit together in my heart and mind.  The energy invested in sculpting this farm and this ministry is finally sparking and I look forward to seeing the flames ignite and burst upward.

I have seen this farm and this ministry from afar.  Only now am I surrounded by it and do I actually feel the peace in the fields and among the trees.  I smell the fresh air and hear the orchestra each night.

God is faithful and good and I pray that Healing Hooves would touch the body, mind and spirit of many people.  Our goal is to Inspire, Challenge, Encourage and Empower.

Please check out this link and get to know us a little better and see how you can put a few logs in the fire that we are lighting.

We are hoping and planning to add on to the existing cabin, bringing the refrigerator inside before winter, and putting up a barn, if God is willing.  This is a huge endeavor and His provision and strength are essential. 

It is exciting to see the hand of God at work and how, at times, He shows His presence and provision through other people.

We all get weary with life and work and I look forward to the day that I can have guests stay with us and experience a little healing and restoration of the body, mind and spirit through our horses and God's incredible creation.

I desire that souls be refreshed and encouraged, and that each person would leave our farm with fond memories, a warm heart, and a big smile! (Not to mention, a satisfied tummy!)

Enjoy a smile!

For more information on our journey and how you can come along, click here.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

3 Reasons Why Your Next Birthday Party Should Be A Pony Party

There are many reasons why you would want to have our pony, Amigo, and one of his mini friends celebrate with you at your next party.

Today we are going to focus on just three reasons why your next birthday party should be a Pony Party.

1. Not only are horses fun, but our Pony Parties are educational.

Most children enjoy riding a pony.  But that is not the only benefit of having a Pony Party

Children learn about horses, horse care and horse handling.  They have the opportunity to lead the minis and go through obstacle courses.

Equine assisted activities make learning fun. 

We have games and friendly competitions that make the party even more memorable.

You can even dress the horses up and have photo sessions.

2. Having a Pony Party is very memorable.

As a parent you know how important it is to make memories that will last a lifetime, memories that your children will look back on fondly and say, “I remember when…”

If you are hosting a special event for a family function, a church or a business, having Healing Hooves Horses visit will definitely leave an impression on your visitors, and you will be giving them a personal gift of special memories.

3. Ages 1-10 Can Enjoy A Personalized Pony Party And Any Age Can Enjoy A Mini Party.

Children of different ages can enjoy the fun of having a Pony Party.  The age restriction is just for the pony rides. 

Imagine having a few miniature horses at your graduation party or fundraising event.

The key to the memories and the fun is not only in the horses, but in personalizing the party for your special occasion.  Different themes can make the party or event more memorable.

When something is personalized, if means all the more.  We want each birthday person to know someone cared so very much for them and gave them the gift of live horses and Pony Party fun.

Do they like cowboysBlack BeautyUnicorns?  Maybe they just like horses in general.

If you would like more information on how you could have personalized Pony Party in your “neigh”borhood” and create memories to last a lifetime, fill out the info to the right and we will be in touch. 

If you mention this blog, your child will get a special birthday surprise.  (Must be in a 50 mile radius of St. Cloud, MN or the Twin Cities.)