Saturday, October 24, 2015

Ready For Building!

One step at a time.  One thing checked off the checklist!  One day closer.

We were really excited to get the building permit this past week!  Monday we have a Bobcat scheduled so we can get some of the topsoil removed and drill the holes for the footings.  Lord willing the building inspector will be able to come out right away so we can get the cement poured.  Prayers appreciated for the rain, and especially snow, to hold off.

It is a little scary stepping out in faith on this endeavor, but God is much bigger than an addition!

Once we get the footings in and get a few blocks in place, we will be able to start framing.  Framing is always a fun stage.  You get to see your dream start to take shape.  It is easier to imagine flesh on a skeleton, rather than just in your mind.

Speaking of bones...

As a child I always loved discovering things and I loved bones.  What a joy to see Anya excited about such a find.  She has been looking for bones all summer in the big woods.  Little did she know the best find was not too far off.

Most likely they are deer bones.  Now most are loosely labeled and boxed up.  (Bummer we didn't have room for them in the house!) 

I am not sure if Anya's future room will be a zoo or a museum, or maybe both! 

Where did all the adventure go?  Where are children's imaginations?  Where did this spirit of nature go?

I feel I have failed when I have to "kick them out" of the house.  It is so very discouraging when children would rather stay inside.  What is this world coming to?

We miss the bones.  We miss the sunrise and sunset.  And we lose our imagination.  What a sad day that is!

If only they get out and get started, then they can be drawn into nature, and maybe even find some bones!

Even us adults get too busy to just enjoy being outdoors.  I know I am guilty of this.  I just need to plan in a 20 minute walk or sit on a stump for a while and take in all that is around me.  I encourage you to do the same!

If we will make the time for this, we will not only be rejuvenated, but we will have more peace and joy in our lives.

Challenge yourself and try to spend at least 15-20 minutes a day outside just soaking in the nature that is around you, whether it be the sunrise, trees, rain, or the moon and stars...


To find out more or follow our building progress, click here.



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